Te-Form (3) - give & receive

Extends the common forms of あげる, くれる, and もらう, but what is received or given is now a verb, instead of a noun.


Expresses that someone is doing or did something for someone else. The person that received the favor is followed by the に particle. Only for verbs.


母にケーキを買ってあげた。 I bought a cake for my mother.

For casual language, てやる can be used.


Used to ask a favor from someone or to say that something was done to the speaker. The person that received the favor (usually oneself and thus omitted) is followed by the に particle. Only for verbs.


ともだちがギターをおしてくれる。 My friend will teach me the guitar.


This form expresses gratitude for something that benefited the speaker. It is not used for something expected. Only for verbs.


今日来てくれてありがとう! Thank you for coming today!


This form expresses gratitude for a favor that the recipient generally requested for, or where gratitude is the focus. Only for verbs.


ともだちが手伝ってもらった。 My friend helped me (and I owe him / because I asked him and I am grateful)


Used as a mean to ask for a favor like “would you, could you?“. Used in a similar form to じゃないか. Only for verbs.


でんをつけてもらえないか。 Could you please turn on the lights?

電気をつけないでもらえないか。 Could you please turn off the light?